Urban Meyer to Notre Dame – You heard it here first

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With the abrupt departure of Brian Kelly to take over the LSU Tigers, it leaves an unexpected coaching vacancy at a very prestigious football school.

If you follow our blog, I predicted earlier this year that Urban Meyer was purposefully tanking games and acting out (we didn’t forget your late-night public grinding session coach) so as to get canned by the Jags so he could take the open USC job.

The next Notre Dame Football Coach!

Lincoln Riley scooped up the Trojans so the only other possibility for a well-known program would have been LSU. With the dumpster fire Coach O left that team holding, I am surprised that Brian Kelly jumped so eagerly.

This being said, Urban has been linked to Notre Dame for quite some time with his wife being quoted as saying the position would be a “dream job” of his years ago.

With the Jacksonville Jaguars underperforming even by their own standards and Urban’s off field conduct breaking the trust of the owner, he must see that his time as an NFL coach is going to be coming to an end quickly. How many more years before Trent Baalke pulls the plug to save his own ass? 1? Maybe 2?

Urban has been around the game of football long enough to see the writing on the wall. The Jags will not be better in 1 or 2 years and he will be fired as a losing coach.

This could be the perfect opportunity for him to make his collegiate football comeback. He could rejoin the college football ranks and save face by acting like “well they paid me a considerable amount and I love coaching the kids more than managing professional egos”.

Furthermore, he gets to save face and walk away without being fired because we all know that is inevitable.

To be honest, despite his struggles in the NFL, Urban Meyer has been one of the most successful collegiate football coaches of all time having won the national championship three times. There are very few people who I would want coaching my team over Urban despite the shade that follows him.

The problem he will face is whether or not Notre Dame would want him. Even though he has never been linked to or sanctioned by the NCAA, he always seems to “retire” right around the time that sanctions look looming. On top of that, he did have an off-field conduct incident earlier this year involving a young coed.

But who can be more forgiving than the Catholics? Hell, I know, I went to Catholic school for 14 years!

Plus, he will not have to face his former teams in Florida or Ohio State. So, it is a win-win for him in that sense.

If ND wants Urban, do not be surprised to see him “retire” again from the NFL and make the jump back to the collegiate level.

One final thought, if he does not land the Notre Dame job, another place that he might fit in well would be the Miami Hurricanes. Think about it, who else likes to play fast and lose with the rules? Where else can you win a few national championships while still toeing the rules just a touch? What other fanbase puts winning above all else?

You have heard it here first; Urban Meyer will be the next Notre Dame football coach starting in the 2022 season!